My recent galleries are becoming overcrowed. Here are a couple of older galleries. I decdided to move my older pics instead of deleting them all. Most of them were created 2001 - 2004, using Poser with Posetta character. I nearly stopped to use this old outdated character and moved on. These galleries are no longer maintained and updated. A couple of good ideas are still here and will inspire me to do new versions of them. Let's see ... To see my recent galleries click here.
Towers of Agoth-Ashkon |
Misty Realms |
Girls and PinUps |
Old Vaulted Hall |
Sorceress Ladies |
Sleepless Night |
Old Ruins and Stonework - Sample Pics from my Stonework Construction Kit |
Old Weapon Hall - Old Vine Cellar |
Framed Artwork |
Old Cloister Library - Sample Pics from my construction kit |
SciFi Themes |
The Old Castle |
Der Djin (Comic) |
Temple of Orondâne |
SciFi and Scenes from B-Movies
This site is owned by Joe Kurz - Munich/Germany 2000-2016