Ddesigned after foto references for use in Poser.
The complete set is built like an open stage, you can look into the
bath patio. There are the left and right walls along with galleries built
with pillars and there is the front wall with the main entrance. The door
wings can be rotated. On the left and right side of the entrance there are sockets
with firebowl stands on them. There are other pedestals that you can furnish with
statues or vases or such stuff. There are two stands with amphoras included
along with 2 texturing options.
In the centre there is the pool for your bathing pleasures under the open sky.
The floor and pool are furnished with old roman tiles (2 texturing options).
A broad stairway leads into the pool. a roman fence/railing at the sides.
The roof is only a small segment, not intended for outdoor scenes just to
complete the patio.
There is no outside building, just the walls. The walls are simple one sided
planes, so in the Poser preview viewed from the rear side they seem to be
invisible, but that's OK, when rendered they look fine.
The pillars have 4 texturing options (one of them is a simple white stucco
that can be colored according to your preferences - same for the walls).
All props can be added separately - just use, what you need for your
There is also the complete arranged scene in the library as well, with all
items pre-loaded for ease of use. this complete set is approx. 7 MByte
in file size. Just add some bathing beauties and you are done.